New sketches
March 3, 2020
I had the opportunity of travelling during the past few months, either to international exhibitions or simply for pleasure, and I always bring along a sketch pad. These moments, far away for my canvas and paint brushes, bring me closer to my pencils and paper. My sketch book is an extraordinary laboratory. I sketch on the spur-of-the-moment, without any afterthought. I just let my pencil flow on the surface, seldom raising it from the page, rarely interrupting its travels along the paper. The gestures are free, spontaneous, instinctive, feverish. I don’t rework anything; I just welcome the drawing without judgment. Travel, movement, spontaneously drawing in unusual places, those are the ingredients that give birth to new ideas and unexpected thoughts. Then, I return to my studio with my loyal travel companion. I often go back to those sketches, but rarely show them. And yet, when friends visit my studio, they are often attracted to them. So, I decided to open up my sketch book from a trip to Mexico, last January. Fourteen sketches will be presented at Galerie ROCCIA starting on March 5th2020.