Monumental sculpture finally installed!
June 19, 2021
At long last! The monumental sculpture on which I have been working for over a year is now standing tall on the shores of lake Memphremagog. The installation took place on June 16. A small group of family and friends helped me celebrate the long-awaited event since large-scale public gatherings are still subject to distancing regulations.
The sculpture can now be viewed by all. It faces the lake in the magnificent Parc de la Baie in Magog. Throughout the summer, I will have the pleasure of guiding small-group visits and sharing inside stories about the great adventure of the sculpture’s creation. Far from ending there, I’ll also invite you to the gallery for a presentation of my 4 new clay sculptures. Many of the guided visits are already fully booked, so please reserve a place as soon as possible! For more information, please contact us at: [email protected]
Communiqué – « Libre », l’œuvre monumentale d’André Desjardins exposée au parc de la Baie-de-Magog